I'm Anthony Preece
Model Maker & owner of A.J.Preece LARP Supplies
My Main business is creating foam and latex props and LRP weapons for my company, A. J. Preece LARP Supplies. We create mostly items for the live roleplay industry and cosplay, but we can turn our hand to most things. Click the link below to be transported to my Business website and online store, or scroll to the bottom of the page to contact me directly.


2020 - 2023
Visual Effects and Model Making
The practical skills on this course, include film and television prop making, puppet and character development for stop frame animation, animatronics and automata for exhibition, concept models for the games industry, model making and design for theatre, architectural model making, prototyping for industrial designers, interactive exhibition models and photographic props for advertising.
2001 - 2016
2017 - Present
A.J.Preece LARP Supplies
Self Employed
My first business, began in 2017 creating foam and latex props for the live roleplay industry, in 2018 we took on a full sized workshop and in 2021 we grew this to take on the whole building, currently we trade all over the UK at different events and take plenty of custom orders.
Davenport House Estate.
Working up from a weekend job behind the bar at this wedding venue, going full time working on the shooting estate, becoming the undergamekeeper for a couple of years and eventually to managing all of the staff and front of house of the venue.
2018 - 2019
Countryside Management
Northumbria College.
This was perhaps a vanity project, it is something I always wanted to do and it never hurts to have another qualification. What it did do is teach me a lot about running a countryside venue which may come in useful in the future.... who knows?
2019 - present
Bare Bones Tavern.
This was my side project, both me and my business partner Wayne love the Live Roleplay hobby and we wanted to give something back to the community, whilst hopefully making a little bit of money, so we started the in character tavern which travels to events all over the UK - click HERE to find out more.